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Digital Twin - ERNOFA

Working in a team of 3, we created a digital twin model(s) using one another as our datasets and through various machine learning software examples. Using ourselves as a medium, how can we use machine learning to extend one another’s attributes, mix, mash, and collaborate and formulate new in-between aesthetics from these various processes?

February 2022

Using a machine learning program calling RunwayML, my group decieded to use the Liquid Warping GAN as the basis for our porject. This machine learning program takes the movement of one reference and applies it to the second reference. 

The videos below are the reference dances myself and my group did for the machine learning, we were all mimicking a dance moves from a music video we picked out. 


Here are some of our test outputs.

The video below is our final output, a combination of all of us and the music video.